When will Disneyland Paris reopen?

When will Disneyland Paris reopen?

Although the road map for the gradual reduction of the French COVID restrictions has been known for some time, French theme parks still don’t have any clear reopening guidelines and we don’t know the exact date to one of the most popular questions currently being asked, “When will Disneyland Paris reopen?”

In our previous post, we said that the management team at Disneyland Paris were meeting with government officials and work unions to discuss the reopening of the park, as well as outlining any conditions or requirements to allow them to do this safely, including the possibility of a health pass or negative COVID tests being required before entry.

Disneyland Paris Reopening Date 2021

According to our sources, the reopening of Disneyland Paris will not take place until June 30th, at the earliest, but will more likely reopen in July 2021 ready for the busy summer months.

Will a health pass be needed to enter Disneyland Paris?

Disneyland Paris and other french theme parks are currently classified in the same category of fairs and shows. We assume the re-opening date of Disneyland Paris will occur at the end of June or July and will coincide with the lifting of the restrictions in France for this category which is currently outlined as:

May 19th

  • max capacity of 1000 people
  • No attractions or rides
  • no foreign travellers allowed
  • health pass required for entry

June 09

  • max capacity of 5000 people
  • attractions can be open
  • foreign travellers allowed to enter
  • health pass required for entry

June 30

  • lifting of all restrictions.

To obtain a health pass you must meet one of the following criteria, be vaccinated, have a recent negative COVID test, or have immunity following a COVID infection.

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