A wondrous realm that’s taking shape more and more each day at Walt Disney Studios Park – the future land inspired by the enchanting world of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Frozen, nestled along the shores of a magnificent central lagoon. Amidst the hustle and bustle of cranes and construction equipment, the Kingdom of Arendelle is coming to life before our very eyes.
With an estimate opening date of 2024/2025, construction is well underway with the village facades and the majestic castle’s foundation are emerging, painting a vivid picture of this magical land. And let’s not forget the early glimpses of the snow-capped mountain, destined to be an iconic backdrop to this captivating area.
Across the ocean, Imagineers are working tirelessly on bringing Audio-Animatronics® characters to life for the main attraction of this kingdom. We simply can’t wait to “open up the gate” and reveal the enchantment within! Nearby, along the shimmering lake, the creation of magnificent rock formations has begun, and the construction of an exquisite art nouveau-style table service restaurant is well underway, as showcased in this video.
In this tale of creation and magic, the Frozen Land is destined to be a realm where dreams come true. Stay tuned for more updates as we journey together into the heart of this Frozen adventure!”
Official Disneyland Paris Frozen Land Update Statement
Another major project that is taking shape a little more every day at Walt Disney Studios Park is the future land inspired by Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Frozen, located on the edge of a large central lagoon. Beyond the cranes and construction equipment mobilized for this development, the Kingdom of Arendelle begins to clearly appear, with the first themed facades of the village and the base of the castle, as well as the early structures for the snow-capped mountain which will serve as an iconic background to this new area. On the other side of the Atlantic, Imagineers are moving forward in parallel on the programming of the Audio-Animatronics® characters who will come to life in the main attraction of the kingdom, of which we can’t wait to “open up the gate”! Nearby around the lake, work has started on the rock structures, and construction on the art nouveau style table service restaurant has also started, as you can see in this video.