The new show TOGETHER: a Pixal Musical Adventure, will wow guests this summer at the Studio Theater, at the heart of Walt Disney Studios Park. The new show will have a showtime of around 30 minutes, and tells a moving and original story, as only Pixar can, through several scenes, each as creative as the next, plunging viewers into an immersive experience through iconic Pixar worlds, from Toy Story to Monsters, Inc. and more.
Besides spectacular scenic effects and innovative choreography, the music will play a very special part in the show. In addition to spectacular scenic effects, a live band of eight musicians will pay homage to the timeless beauty of Pixar’s most memorable soundtracks while also performing an original score. For the show, the talented and multi-awarded* teams of Disneyland Paris Live Entertainment have collaborated with professionals in the music and dance industry with touching and unforgettable results!
Plan your stay with the Disneyland Paris price estimate calendar
The Disneyland Paris Grand Finale will take place from 9th January until 30th September 2023. Compare and book your next Disney vacation today and benefit from the best price possible, with the DLP Price Promise, with the Disneyland Paris price estimator.
Compare different periods* and use the handy calendar to find the ideal moment for your trip to the heart of the Magic! You can now book your Disneyland Paris holiday for all arrivals until March 27, 2024!