Embark on a magical journey through the captivating history of The Walt Disney Company with the book exclusive release of “Celebrating 100 Years of Disney at Disneyland Paris.” which is available from the 16th November.
- Released 16th November
- €40, with no discounts available.
- Dual-Language, both French and English
- Available from The Storybook Store, Harrington’s Fine China & Porcelains, and The Disney Gallery.
This enchanting book commemorates the iconic history of the park, celebrated in a unique way within the enchanting realm of Disneyland Paris – from mesmerizing attractions and spectacular shows to memorable events and special nods that bring the Disney magic to life.
Dual-Language Delight: With many books released at Disneyland Paris only being available in french, guests will be happy to know that this limited edition book will be available as a dual language book, with each page showing both French and English, allowing more readers to explore the rich history of Disney in their preferred language.
Don’t miss your chance to own this limited-release masterpiece, available exclusively at The Storybook Store, Harrington’s Fine China & Porcelains, and The Disney Gallery. The book is priced at €40, with no discounts available.